Sunday, January 24

anak-mama goes to Kyoto

My dear Blog,

I'm sorry for neglecting you for so long. I have been quite busy writing on Facebook Notes. You know how you were created, 5 years ago during my first trip to Kyoto. You were my daily release to all my mixed feelings. You were there to witness my revival as a woman, a daughter, a moslem.

Dearest Blog,

I have gotten another chance to visit that lovely city. Where ducks swim in peace and fly in flocks, where teenagers congregate in sports and music mornings and afternoons, where I felt like doing somersaults on top of a hotel building and definitely did so, where I made plenty friends and enjoyed many bittersweet moments.

Dear Blog,

Be prepared, for together we shall report to the world my second journey to one of my beloved cities. We will do plenty of photo taking. We'll go bike riding all over town. We will definitely drop by KappaZushi, that Takoyaki spot in Teramachi and not to forget, take pictures in those blingy Purikura booths in Qanaat. Starbucks and NakaU, of course!! God Willingly.


Good luck to us.