Sunday, January 24

anak-mama goes to Kyoto

My dear Blog,

I'm sorry for neglecting you for so long. I have been quite busy writing on Facebook Notes. You know how you were created, 5 years ago during my first trip to Kyoto. You were my daily release to all my mixed feelings. You were there to witness my revival as a woman, a daughter, a moslem.

Dearest Blog,

I have gotten another chance to visit that lovely city. Where ducks swim in peace and fly in flocks, where teenagers congregate in sports and music mornings and afternoons, where I felt like doing somersaults on top of a hotel building and definitely did so, where I made plenty friends and enjoyed many bittersweet moments.

Dear Blog,

Be prepared, for together we shall report to the world my second journey to one of my beloved cities. We will do plenty of photo taking. We'll go bike riding all over town. We will definitely drop by KappaZushi, that Takoyaki spot in Teramachi and not to forget, take pictures in those blingy Purikura booths in Qanaat. Starbucks and NakaU, of course!! God Willingly.


Good luck to us.

Thursday, October 30

Besok Gita Pulang...

Pagi tadi aku melongok ke kamar Yogas - Rika yang terbuka.
Dulu itu kamarku, kamar paling besar di lantai atas yang kalau jendelanya dibuka akan langsung los ke balkon/kebun anggrek mama.
Tempat yang indah di pagi dan petang hari karena sinar matahari datang dari dua sisi.
Siang-siang kalau sedang sepi, tangkai-tangkai anggrek mama sering jadi tempat berkumpul burung-burung gereja. Sebuah tontonan yang menyenangkan hati.

Pagi tadi, jendelanya sedang terbuka lebar, beberapa kursi plastik telah di susun di depannya menghadap ke dalam.
Akses ke balkon tersebut, selain bisa dengan melangkahi kusen jendela setinggi 30cm dari kamar Yogas, bisa juga dengan melewati ruang tidur/ruang kerja/perpustakaan/ruang audio-visual Papa dan Mama (hahaha... maklum rumah mungil multi fungsi).
Sengaja Mama meletakkan kursi-kursi di luar untuk tamu-tamu yang mau menjenguk Gita dan Rika. Supaya tidak sesak di dalam kamar, jelasnya.

Lalu aku melihat crib simple berwarna natural kayu yang sudah diselubungi kelambu putih. Menempel ke tembok bersisian dengan pintu. Aha, bedding di dalamnya aku yang belikan... putih bermotif beruang teddy biru, siap menunggu Tuan Putri bermata cerah.

Besok Gita pulang...

I'm so excited... I've lost my words...

Monday, December 17

Lost In Translation Part 2

Today's lost in translation:
dayarogu 1:
M: Etiek-san ada jam berapa bisa?
E: dari jam 3 sampai jam 4 Pak.
M: Ok, karau begitu jam tiga saja ya. Eh, no no no, jam tiga setengah saja.

Sambil membelakangi Msan aku tersenyum. Setengah empat? Tiga lewat tigapuluh? Jadi inget waktu SD kelas 5. Barusan balik ke Indo, masih bingung dengan bahasa Indonesia. Sering dibikin nangis di kelas karena ngga lancar baca. Tapi masalah jajan bakso, aku ngga mau kalah. Harga bakso dulu Rp.200 - 300. Uang jajanku sehari Rp.300,-. Dengan mantapnya aku berseru pada Ibu Kantin,'Ibu, baksonya dua ratus setengah ya? (maksudnya Rp.250) Ibu Kantin membetulkan dengan senyum setengah hati, "Dua setengah atau dua ratus limapuluh, itu yang bener." Aku tersipu.

dayarogu 2:
D: Excuse me M-san, but what is this right here?
M: That is WINGS.
D: I see, thank you.
M: You know 'Wings' right? Major company *jelasnya berapi-api* D: *manggut-manggut*
M: The son of 'wings' married with the daughter of 'jaram'. Sama-sama major company. Very good business move.
D: *Senyum sambil manggut-manggut sok ngerti. Dalam hati mikir...major company wings aku tahu... tapi jaram? jangan2 maksudnya JALan? Japan Airlines? Karena orang jepang ngga gitu tarthil ngomong 'L' nya... Hebat juga, orang jepang mau nikah ama orang asia tenggara pikirku. Duit knows no boundaries memang... -makin sok yakin menyimpulkan-
M: *merasa kalau sekretarisnya pura-pura ngerti padahal masih bingung, sehingga perlu penjelasan sedikit lagi* You know, our new office is made by 'Jaram' (kantor kita rencananya akan pindah ke Grand 'Jaram'... You know, right?
D: *kurasa anggukan ku yang kedua layak dapat piala Oscar. Sambil terus berusaha menyimpulkan teka-teki di pagi hari tsb. Semua gara gara tulisan babeh M susah dibaca*
M: Major company marries with major company, very good prospect ya? *sambil ngangguk-ngangguk lalu melanjutkan kerjaannya*
D: *sedikit terdistraksi karena bayangan film meteor garden berkelebat di depan mata, dimana Tau Ming Shi dipaksa kawin dengan putri konglemerat 'A'... padahal cinta sejatinya adalah gadis miskin nan sassy, Sanchay (halah masih inget aja..)*
D: *sambil melanjutkan menyusun reimbursement entertainment expenses si babeh, sebuah lampu menyala di otaknya yang cenderung lebih banyak redupnya. AAHA! 'Djarum' toh maksudnya... halah... Ja -nya udah bener, tapi baca -rum nya pake aksen inggris 'ram'... Cape dehh...

Suatu ketika, datang sebuah jawaban e-mail dari babeh M:
Dian san, turimakashi banyak ya.

Today's vocaburary:
Hochikissu = Hotchkiss = eng ing eng......its a stapler!!!
Konsento = tadaaaa.... socket (colokan listrik)

Lost In Translation

Ok, minggu lalu dari tanggal 11-13, divisi tempat aku kerja dikunjungi oleh divisi lain dari kantor pusat Tokyo. Mulai dari booking hotel, pick up service, booking mobil kantor, atur jadwal meeting dengan petinggi2 perusahaan BUMN, semua kami aturkan untuk mereka (para staff jepang).
Sesampainya mereka di Tokyo, kami menerima sebuah e-mail tanda terima kasih:
'Dear all, thank you very much for your kind accomodation during our stay in Jakarta. We are looking forward to see you next month'
e-mail ini di cc ke seluruh staff kedua belah divisi.
Lalu babeh M segara menjawab dengan mantapnya:
'Its a pressure! Looking forward to see you next month'
Kontan aku ngakak dalam hati. Duh, si babeh... kalo emang ngga bisa ngomong 'l' ngga usah sampe sefatal itu dong salahnya. Seandainya seperti ini: 'Its a preasure!' masih bisa dimaklumi kan? Namanya juga orang jepang. Tapi pressure dan pleasure, memiliki arti yang sama sekali bertolak belakang. Ndaghel pisan, nek dipikir2... Huahahaha...
Tapi sebagai sekretaris yang baik hati (uhuk uhuk), aku ngga tega bossku diketawain. Aku kirimin beliau sebuah email japri:
'Msan (Beh..), machigai nai desuka (ngga salah tuh?). You mean 'pleasure' not 'pressure' right? Because they have totally different meanings. Sorry.'
sambil menunggu, cemas campur geli... aku lirik2 ke arah beliau yang duduk di jam 11 dari posisiku. meja kami dempet. ada bunyi beberapa klikan tetikus....hening sejenak... tiba2 tawa Msan meledak...
'Hahaha! You're right Dsan... I made a mistake ya...'
Dsan tersenyum penuh pengertian ,'Yes, Msan.' sambil ketawa2 juga.
'Very different meaning ya...' lanjutnya masih cengar-cengir.
Aku mengangguk bijak (ciee..)
Tak lama Msan mengirim e-mail lagi:
'Sorry I made a mistype. I meant:
Its a pleasure! Looking forward to see you next month.'
lalu oleh staff di Tokyo dibalas:
'Its our pleasure too. Looking forward to visit next month!'

Monday, November 26

youtube hit list...

Dian's youtube top 5 hit list. Hehehe. Think of it as a mixed tape from me... :)

#1.Damien Rice - Blower's Daughter
#2. J-lo feat. Fat Joe - Hold you down
#3. Tamia - Officially Missing You
#4. Fievel - Somewhere out there
#5. The Cure - Cut Here

Friday, November 16

anak-mama's sms with mama

anak-mama: Mother how are you...? I miss you (11.31am)

mama: I miss you so much too, but u always busy. Mama dalam perjalanan ke harapan kita (11.46)

anak-mama: I'm sorry mama. I never meant to make you sad (eminem kayo kore!?) . I love you. Sun sayang utk papa juga ya.. Hehehe kalau bisa yang lama sampai supir taxinya malu... (11.48)

Bener juga kata mama, anandanya ini sering terkesan sibuk. Sibuk sih ngga, Ma. Cuma lupa. Lupa sama yang prioritas. Sibuk berdoa minta ini-itu, sampai-sampai yang di depan mata dan sangat amat berharga jadi tidak terlihat. Padahal, kalau sampai doanya terkabul waktu ananda untuk ibunda bakalan fuechau. Okaasan kitto kanashii dayone? haaa.. *namida ga dechatta..*. Doushookana..? Dakara, ima atashi nanka sono inotte chotto chuushi dake de ii [akirameru wake janakute] ? Kamisama yori itadaita made omachi shite orimasu wa..

beralih ke melankoli yang lain yuks... sebuah lagu yang gue dengerin berulang2 sama abang gue Pilar di mobil, pas selasa 131107:

the cure ^^^ cut here

"So we meet again!" and I offer my hand
All dry and English slow
And you look at me and I understand
Yeah it's a look I used to know
"Three long years... and your favourite man... Is that any way to say hello?"
And you hold me...
like you'll never let me go
"Oh c'mon and have a drink with me
Sit down and talk a while..."
"Oh I wish I could... and I will!
But now I just don't have the time...
" And over my shoulder as I walk away
I see you give that look goodbye...
I still see that look in your eye...

So dizzy Mr. Busy - Too much rush to talk to Billy
All the silly frilly things have to first get done
In a minute - sometime soon -
maybe next time - make it June
Until later... doesn't always come

It's so hard to think
"It ends sometime
And this could be the last
I should really hear you sing again
And I should really watch you dance
" Because it's hard to think
"I'll never get another chance
To hold you... to hold you...

" But chilly Mr. Dilly - Too much rush to talk to Billy
All the tizzy fizzy idiot things must get done
In a second - just hang on - all in good time - wont be long
Until later...

I should've stopped to think -
I should've made the time
I could've had that drink -
I could've talked a while
I would've done it right -
I would've moved us on

But I didn't -
now it's all too late
It's over... over
And you're gone..
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you so much
But how many times can I walk away and wish "If only..."
But how many times can I talk this way and wish "If only..."
Keep on making the same mistake
Keep on aching the same heartbreak
I wish "If only..." But "If only...."
Is a wish too late...

This is another cool example why the cure's music is so intelligently wholesome. Not only the beauty of their melody accompanied by that eccentric vocal that has its own melody to match the instruments, Man!! the lyrics are so poetic. For example, how they play with the tempo on the chorus:
[[So dizzy Mr. Busy - Too much rush to talk to Billy
All the silly frilly things have to first get done
In a minute - sometime soon -
maybe next time - make it June
Until later... doesn't always come]] shows how hectic life can be if we let the less important things take our they speed up this part.dizzying with the tempo.excellent!

then there's the excess use of these words of regret: should've, would've, could've.

and towards the ending, just where regret really sets in, the narrator of this story can't say anything but this:
[[I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you so much ]]

JUST ANOTHER LOVELY WHOLESOME MELANCHOLIC SONG FROM ONE OF MY FAVORITES. thanks pilar (anakmama numerouno) for the time, the music, the everythings.
♥love you bro♥

Friday, November 2

in the name of the daughter

She lies on her back in bed.
The room is dark, her hands cover her face.
She silently weeps. Tears seeping through her fingers down the sides of her cheeks.
Tears of anger, confusion, loss, and need.
Her shoulders tremble as her heart crumbles.
Let her cry.
Let her cry.
Let her tears wash away the expectations, dreams, hopes, and sweet nothings with him...
Sweet nothings. are nothing..
Nothing she can hold.
Nothing she can protect her fragile abstract organ with.
Let her fall asleep, in her heart-shaped garden.
Her tears magically turn into honey dew.
It twinkles in the dawn light and helps her grow.
Let her wake up the next day.
Bright and cheerful.
As the name her parents gave her.
To shine and shine forever on...

Friday, October 19

Harut and Marut

Do you know the story of Harut & Marut?

Harut & Marut (II, 102)

When the sons of Adam were given the earth, the angels marveled at their iniquities and protested to God: "Our Lord, Thou hast favored these dust-creatures of the earth, but they disobey Thee." God replied, "If that sensuality that is within them were within you, your state would be the same." The angels said, "We would not rebel against Thee and disobey Thy command."
At God's request they chose two of their number to be sent to the earth possessing sensuality and the other attributes of man. Harut and Marut were the most worshipful and humble of the angels; sending them down to the earth, God commanded them to avoid idolatry, fornication, wine, and the unjust spilling of blood. Eventually they committed all these sins and God gave news of their state to the angels in heaven.
From that day on, the angels have continued to "ask forgiveness for everyone on earth" (XLIII, 5), for they realize that man's sensuality is a tremendous burden, and those able to overcome it are truly the best of creatures.


Manakala keturunan Nabi Adam AS dianugerahi bumi dan seisinya, para malaikat terkesima menyaksikan kedzaliman manusia dan menyampaikan protes kepada Allah SWT, "Ya, Tuhan kami. Engkau lebih memilih makhluk-debu dari bumi ini, tapi kerja mereka hanyalah merusak dan membangkang." Allah berfirman, "Apabila nafsu yang ada di dalam mereka aku tanamkan pula di dalam diri kalian, kedudukan kalian akan sama adanya." Para malaikat menjawab: "Takkan pernah kami membantah Engkau dan melalaikan Perintah-Mu, ya Allah."

Atas permintaan Allah, para malaikat memilih dua dari mereka untuk ditanamkan nafsu dan sifat-sifat manusiawi lainnya di dalam diri mereka. Harut dan Marut yang termasuk malaikat paling rendah hati dan taatlah yang mereka kirimkan ke bumi, Allah memerintahkan agar mereka tidak menyembah berhala, berbuat zina, mengkonsumsi minuman memabukkan, dan menumpahkan darah dengan semena-mena. Pada akhirnya Harut dan Marut mengerjakan setiap apa-apa yang telah dilarang oleh Allah, dan Allah menyampaikan kabar perilaku mereka kepada para malaikat penghuni surga lainnya.

Sejak hari itu jugalah, tak henti-hentinya para malaikat "memohonkan ampunan kepada siapapun dimuka bumi" (XLIII, 5), sebab mereka sadar bahwa nafsu yang dimiliki manusia adalah cobaan yang teramat berat, dan barang siapa yang mampu menguasai nafsu di dalam dirinya dialah makhluk Allah yang terbaik.


*segala yang benar datangnya dari Allah, segala yang salah datangnya dari saya.Ting!*